Device Server

Absorbing System Control
Properties Description

AbsorbingSystem Class

Revision: release_1_0_0 - Author: elattaoui

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
DIODeviceName Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the underlying DIO device [DIO_7432 or compatible - no default value]
NoElemChIN Tango::DEV_STRING DIO device's line used to control if the elements are inserted [no default value]
FirstElemChIN Tango::DEV_STRING DIO device's line used to control if the first element is inserted [no default value]
BothElemChIN Tango::DEV_STRING DIO device's line used to control if the two elements are inserted [no default value]
FirstElemChOUT Tango::DEV_STRING The write channel number on the 7432 board of the first element
SecondElemChOUT Tango::DEV_STRING The write channel number on the 7432 board of the second element

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
DIODeviceName No default value
NoElemChIN No default value
FirstElemChIN No default value
BothElemChIN No default value
FirstElemChOUT No default value
SecondElemChOUT No default value

There is no Class properties.

ESRF - Software Engineering Group