Device Server

Properties Description

AnalogGauge Class

Revision: release_1_0_3 - Author: coquet

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
Url Tango::DEV_STRING Device name of the PLC Server
DBNumber Tango::DEV_LONG Device representative DataBlock number
InputOffset Tango::DEV_LONG Input offset of the beginning of the data in the DB
InputLength Tango::DEV_SHORT Input length of the data in the DB
OutputOffset Tango::DEV_LONG Output offset of the beginning of the data in the DB
OutputLength Tango::DEV_SHORT Output length of the data in the DB
HardwarePollingTime Tango::DEV_LONG variables will be refreshed by hardware reading every HardwarePollingTime. given in : 1/10 sec. example : 34 sec gives 3.4 sec between hardware reading accesses Default : 10 ( 1 second
ConversionFactor Tango::DEV_DOUBLE User's conversion factor. The physical signal range is expected to be 0-MaxVoltage (10V Max) This signal correspond to an internal value between 0 - 27648 An the user value between 0 - Max range So the conversion factor should be equal to: (Max range*10)/(27648*MaxVoltage)
Formula Tango::DEV_STRING formule de conversion de la valeur analogique renvoy�e par le PLC en pression doit respecter la syntaxe muParser voir http://muparser.sourceforge.net/ La variable ( la valeur brute ) doit �tre repr�sent�e par x dans la formule ex : x*10^-4 + 27.3
ReciprocalFormula Tango::DEV_STRING reciprocal function of Formula used to convert physical values to raw values eg : to write alarm setpoints in the analog gauge controller voir http://muparser.sourceforge.net/ La variable ( la valeur brute ) doit �tre repr�sent�e par x dans la formule ex : x*10^-4 + 27.3

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
Url No default value
DBNumber No default value
InputOffset No default value
InputLength No default value
OutputOffset No default value
OutputLength No default value
HardwarePollingTime No default value
ConversionFactor No default value
Formula x^2
ReciprocalFormula x

There is no Class properties.

ESRF - Software Engineering Group