Device Server

The Beam Line Energy device for the Tempo Beam Line
Properties Description

BeamLineEnergyTempo Class

Revision: release_1_0_4 - Author: postollec

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
CommandStateName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the state command name
CommandStopName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the stop command name
DiaphragmGapAttributeName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the diaphragm gap attribute name
DiaphragmProxyName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the proxy to reach the diaphragm device
MirrorAProxyName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the proxy to reach the mirror A device
MirrorBProxyName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the proxy to reach the mirror B device
MirrorCProxyName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the proxy to reach the mirror C device
MirrorThetaAttributeName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the theta attribute of the mirror device.
MonochromatorEnergyAttributeName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the energy attribute of the monochromator device.
MonochromatorProxyName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the proxy to reach the monochromator device
OndulatorEnergyAttributeName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the energy attribute of the ondulator device.
OndulatorHU40ProxyName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the proxy to reach the HU40 ondulator device
OndulatorHU80ProxyName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the proxy to reach the HU80 ondulator device

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
CommandStateName state
CommandStopName stop
DiaphragmGapAttributeName No default value
DiaphragmProxyName No default value
MirrorAProxyName No default value
MirrorBProxyName No default value
MirrorCProxyName No default value
MirrorThetaAttributeName No default value
MonochromatorEnergyAttributeName energy
MonochromatorProxyName No default value
OndulatorEnergyAttributeName energy
OndulatorHU40ProxyName No default value
OndulatorHU80ProxyName No default value

There is no Class properties.

ESRF - Software Engineering Group