Device Server

Pulser of a Kicker
Properties Description

KickerPulser Class

Revision: release_2_0_1 - Author: elattaoui

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
PLCServerName Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the PLCServer used to communicate with the PLC
DBNumber Tango::DEV_ULONG Number of the intrefaced DB in the PLC
InputOffset Tango::DEV_LONG Offset of the inputs (in bytes) in the interfaced DB
InputLength Tango::DEV_LONG Length of the inputs (in Words [16 bits]) in the interfaced DB
OutputOffset Tango::DEV_LONG Offset of the outputs (in bytes) in the interfaced DB
OutputLength Tango::DEV_LONG Length of the outputs (in Words [16 bits]) in the interfaced DB
TimingLocalSystemName Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the Timing Local System which control trigger delay.
TimingLocalSystemLine Tango::DEV_STRING Line (attribute name) of the Timing Local System. eg: k.inj.trig
FastRetrigAIName Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the FastRetrigAI device on which the current will be read (Value from FastRetrigAI channel1Waveform attribute)
DigitalDelayGeneratorName Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the DigitalDelayGenerator device.
DigitalDelayGeneratorLine Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the pulse delay channel attribute. Expected formatted string as this : "ChannelX", where X represents the channel letter (A, B, C or D).

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
PLCServerName No default value
DBNumber No default value
InputOffset No default value
InputLength No default value
OutputOffset No default value
OutputLength No default value
TimingLocalSystemName toto/titi/tata
TimingLocalSystemLine No default value
FastRetrigAIName noFastRAI/proxy/defined
DigitalDelayGeneratorName noDigitalDelayGenerator/proxyName/Defined
DigitalDelayGeneratorLine ChannelA

There is no Class properties.

ESRF - Software Engineering Group