Device Server

MCA Canberra Multiport II - AIM
Properties Description

MCAMultiport Class

Revision: release_2_0_2 - Author: langlois

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
ExternalStart Tango::DEV_BOOLEAN Flag Saying if the start of the MCA acquisition is done externally (by an external hardware trigger).
FALSE -> normal way (internal start)
TRUE -> external start
If external start is choosen, Genie2000 should be configured specifically
MemorizedRoisStartsEnds Array of long Memory of the ROIs Starts and Ends positions
SpectrumFileName Tango::DEV_STRING Path + name of the file where the spectrum will be saved
MemorizedDataSource Tango::DEV_STRING Memorization of the Datasource attribute

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
ExternalStart FALSE
MemorizedRoisStartsEnds No default value
SpectrumFileName d:\temp
MemorizedDataSource No default value

There is no Class properties.

ESRF - Software Engineering Group