Device Server

Monochromator Device For The Diffabs BeamLine.
Properties Description

MonochromatorDiffabs Class

Revision: release_1_1_1 - Author: delos

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
AsymmetryAttributeName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the bender device attribute representing assymetry between the motors benders.
AttributePiezoName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the attribute to the reach the good attribute for the galil piezo ana device.
AttributePositionName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the position attribute motor.
AUnspin Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Represents the AUnspin coefficient of the Unspin equation : Unspin = AUnspin X Energy + BUnspin.
Bender1AttributeName Tango::DEV_STRING the name of the bender1 attribute of the bender device.
Bender2AttributeName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the bender2 attribute of the bender device.
BenderAttributeName Tango::DEV_STRING Tne name of the attribute for the pseudo bender value to reach by the bender device.
BenderDeviceName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the bender device to reach in order to apply a bending value.
BenderRadiusAttributeName Tango::DEV_STRING The bender radius attribute name of the bender device.
BenderStateCommandName Tango::DEV_STRING The bender state command name
BUnspin Tango::DEV_DOUBLE Represents the BUnspin coefficient of the Unspin equation : Unspin = AUnspin X Energy + BUnspin.
CommandStateName Tango::DEV_STRING Gives the name of the STATE command according the target device. For simulated motors it is State.
CommandStopName Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the STOP command for the reached device.
DefaultFunctioningMode Tango::DEV_ULONG The default functioning mode used when the init command is called
DefaultSlot Tango::DEV_ULONG The default slot used when init command is called
DistanceBetweenMonochromatorAndFocusingPoint Tango::DEV_DOUBLE The distance q which represent the distance between monochromator and the focusing point.
DistanceBetweenSourceAndMonochromator Tango::DEV_DOUBLE This property represents the p variable in the curvature computing. It represents a fixed distance between the beam source and the monochromator.
Rs2MotorName Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the Rs2 (Roll of the second crystal) Motor to create the proxy to this motor.
Rx2_1MotorName Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the Rx2_1 fine pusher Motor to create the proxy to this motor.
Rz2MotorName Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the Rz2 (Yaw of the second crystal) Motor to create the proxy to this motor.
ThetaBraggMotorName Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the Theta Bragg Motor to create the proxy to this motor.
Tz2MotorName Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the Tz2 (Elevation translation of the second crystal) Motor to create the proxy to this motor.
UnspinMotorName Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the Unspin (unspin of second crystal) Motor to create the proxy to this motor.
FinePitchPolynomialCoeffMeanRadius Array of double Polynomial coefficients to compute the fine pitch from the energy when the radius type is mean, according to the given formula : finepitch = coeff[0]*energy^4 + coeff[1]*energy^3 + coeff[2]*energy^2 + coeff[3]*energy^1 + coeff[4]
FinePitchPolynomialCoeffSpotRadius Array of double Polynomial coefficients to compute the fine pitch from the energy when the radius type is spot, according to the given formula : finepitch = coeff[0]*energy^4 + coeff[1]*energy^3 + coeff[2]*energy^2 + coeff[3]*energy^1 + coeff[4]
YawPolynomialCoeffMeanRadius Array of double Polynomial coefficients to compute the yaw from the energy when the radius type is mean, according to the given formula : yaw = coeff[0]*energy^4 + coeff[1]*energy^3 + coeff[2]*energy^2 + coeff[3]*energy^1 + coeff[4]
YawPolynomialCoeffSpotRadius Array of double Polynomial coefficients to compute the yaw from the energy when the radius type is spot, according to the given formula : yaw = coeff[0]*energy^4 + coeff[1]*energy^3 + coeff[2]*energy^2 + coeff[3]*energy^1 + coeff[4]
RollPolynomialCoeffMeanRadius Array of double Polynomial coefficients to compute the roll from the energy when the radius type is mean, according to the given formula : Roll = coeff[0]*energy^4 + coeff[1]*energy^3 + coeff[2]*energy^2 + coeff[3]*energy^1 + coeff[4]
RollPolynomialCoeffSpotRadius Array of double Polynomial coefficients to compute the roll from the energy when the radius type is spot, according to the given formula : roll = coeff[0]*energy^4 + coeff[1]*energy^3 + coeff[2]*energy^2 + coeff[3]*energy^1 + coeff[4]
BenderPolynomialCoeffMeanRadius Array of double Polynomial coefficients to compute the bender from the energy when the radius type is mean, according to the given formula : bender = coeff[0]*energy^4 + coeff[1]*energy^3 + coeff[2]*energy^2 + coeff[3]*energy^1 + coeff[4]
BenderPolynomialCoeffSpotRadius Array of double Polynomial coefficients to compute the bender from the energy when the radius type is spot, according to the given formula : bender = coeff[0]*energy^4 + coeff[1]*energy^3 + coeff[2]*energy^2 + coeff[3]*energy^1 + coeff[4]

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
AsymmetryAttributeName asymmetry
AttributePiezoName position
AttributePositionName position
AUnspin 24.0
Bender1AttributeName bender1
Bender2AttributeName bender2
BenderAttributeName bender
BenderDeviceName No default value
BenderRadiusAttributeName curvatureRadius
BenderStateCommandName state
BUnspin -191
CommandStateName state
CommandStopName stop
DefaultFunctioningMode 1
DefaultSlot 1
DistanceBetweenMonochromatorAndFocusingPoint No default value
DistanceBetweenSourceAndMonochromator 17.385
Rs2MotorName No default value
Rx2_1MotorName No default value
Rz2MotorName No default value
ThetaBraggMotorName No default value
Tz2MotorName No default value
UnspinMotorName No default value
FinePitchPolynomialCoeffMeanRadius 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.
FinePitchPolynomialCoeffSpotRadius 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.
YawPolynomialCoeffMeanRadius 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.
YawPolynomialCoeffSpotRadius 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.
RollPolynomialCoeffMeanRadius 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.
RollPolynomialCoeffSpotRadius 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.
BenderPolynomialCoeffMeanRadius 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.
BenderPolynomialCoeffSpotRadius 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.

There is no Class properties.

ESRF - Software Engineering Group