Device Server

RateMeter Project
Properties Description

RateMeter Class

Revision: release_1_1_0 - Author: siraut

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
IntegrationTime Tango::DEV_DOUBLE This property is used to set up the device server which counts the events. This device server will count during IntegrationTime seconds
ServerName Tango::DEV_STRING Device server which counts the events
CountingCompletedAttributeName Tango::DEV_STRING Defines the attribute that will be read by the ratemeter to know if the counting task was completed
IntegrationTimeAttributeName Tango::DEV_STRING Counter's attribute that will be set by the ratemeter. This attribute defines the length of the counting task.
ResetCmdName Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the command that will be used to reset the counting device
StartCmdName Tango::DEV_STRING Name of the command that will be used to start the counter on the counting device
Timeout Tango::DEV_LONG will define the timeout after which the ratemeter will decide that there is a problem with the counter
Channels Array of string

There is no Class properties.

ESRF - Software Engineering Group