Device Server

Tune measurement
Properties Description

TuneMeasurementBPM Class

Revision: release_1_0_1 - Author: julien_malik

Device Properties
Property name
Property type
BPMDevice Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the dedicated BPM device server
BPMPosVectorAttributeName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the BPM attribute on which the tune measure is done. Should be something like XPosVector or ZPosVector
BPMNumSamplesAttributeName Tango::DEV_STRING The name of the Attribute corresponding to the number of samples contained in a BPM position vector.
SkippedFirstSamples Tango::DEV_USHORT The number of samples that are dropped in the beginning of the BPM buffer, before computing the FFT
WindowType Tango::DEV_STRING The type of window applied to the input signal. Must be one of the following : RECTANGULAR, BLACKMAN, EXACT_BLACKMAN, HAMMING, HANN, FLATTOP, BLACKMAN_HARRIS_3, BLACKMAN_HARRIS_4, BLACKMAN_HARRIS_7, LOW_SIDELOBE
FFTMinimalNbPoints Tango::DEV_LONG The minimal number of bins in the FFT. Must be a power of 2 (otherwise, rounded to the next power of 2
ComputationPeriod Tango::DEV_LONG The initial internal period in millisecond at which new tune measures are produced. At each period, a new data buffer is read from the associated BPM and a new tune measure is produced.
AutoStart Tango::DEV_BOOLEAN if set to 'true', the computation of the tune measure starts automatically when the device is launched
FFTWindowSize Tango::DEV_LONG The number of points in the BPM buffer that are used to compute the FFT

Device Properties Default Values:
Property Name Default Values
BPMDevice No default value
BPMPosVectorAttributeName No default value
BPMNumSamplesAttributeName NumSamples
SkippedFirstSamples 0
WindowType HANN
FFTMinimalNbPoints 1024
ComputationPeriod 500
AutoStart false
FFTWindowSize No default value

There is no Class properties.

ESRF - Software Engineering Group